Grow Your Business With Us

Sifikile Solutions is a turnkey solutions business that works with public and private partners to deliver large scale infrastructure and investment solutions across Africa. We are the only high-impact intervention company that enables access to the most basic services that industries and population centers need to achieve economic growth. To eliminate distance barriers, infrastructure is installed, and high-quality solutions and services are delivered to where it’s needed most.


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them_"

Albert Einstein

Consulting and Advisory

Sifikile Solutions deliver sustainable and reliable infrastructure accessible across the African continent. As a company we provide solutions across a broad spectrum of services across socio-economic, financial, technical, and institutional services in specific sectors that we see as the only way for social and economic transformation in South Africa - our expertise are in Information Technology, Real Estate Development, Water Purification and Sanitation and Renewable Energy Solutions.

Operational Management

Sifikile Solutions works with the most advanced AI-Powered platforms for smart city's, building services, renewable energy, energy transmission and distribution, water purification that is fully integrated across all financial, operational and management systems.

Infrastructure Projects

Our projects supply large scale infrastructure projects to African homes and industry and help reduce the continents carbon emissions. Through a diverse and rapidly expanding portfolio, we’re helping to accelerate the transition to a sustainable infrastructure future not only in South Africa but across the African continent.

About Us

We are a team of highly skilled professionals from different parts of the globe who make up a passionate company keen to have an impact on the world for the greater good. Sifikile Solutions is a proudly African company, established in 2010, with the vision to keep you and your organiation on top of the latest products and technological advances in infrastructure proects, renewable energy, and customized turnkey solutions.

We recognize the need for power and water and intend to provide essential services to the masses. Today, there are many people living without access to these basic public services that could improve their quality of life. We have developed a product and strategy that provide the tools and support to government and industries to enable them to make a sustainable impact in under-served communities in Africa.

Using large-scale, multi-disciplinary solutions, we deliver infrastructure, power, water, and managed services directly to communities ensuring convenience and minimum disruption. We drive the project from supporting the ideation of custom solutions to seeing through operations. We have the capacity to manage staffing, maintenance, unique operational planning and support, customized data-capturing solutions, and tech-based security tools to ensure our partners’ investments stay on track to make the impact they were designed to make.

Sifikile's vision is to bring about change on the African continent in the delivery and management of infrastructure projects to eradicate inadequacies that exist still today. 
